

版主: aeolusyung, zhang230631, suzumiyaminami

Re: 請有hd800的朋友進來看下

文章maxguy 發表於 週六 9月 11, 2010 1:08 pm

小弟有幸分別聽過這兩台也接過 PSK & HD800, 雖然比較不是在同樣的環境下, 不過基本上聽感跟 Woo 所說的大致相同.

高組抗耳機如 HD650 HD800,我會比較建議 WA2, 音場很大, 聲音鮮活, 音樂性也較好, 有當前級的附加功能.
反之低組抗耳機來講 WA6se 對低組耳機推的非常棒, WA6se 聲音線條較清晰, 音響性比較好, 但音場聽起來會比較靠近一點, 此外它有高底組抗兩個輸出, 高組耳機也有不錯的水準, 推耳機的泛用性較高.


cyberevo 寫:根據小弟在Headfi上面爬文幾個月的結果,不少人會詢問WA2跟WA6SE的差異,因為兩者價錢差不多,結論是,單以耳機使用,多數人建議WA6SE(WA2除了耳擴,也是前級)

以下是Jack Woo個人對新買家詢問的回應,也可以參考看看:

"In terms of functionalities, the WA6SE is a dedicated headphone amp while the WA2 is a headphone and pre-amp and 4 inputs. Since they have different design, sound signature is different. 6SE sounded more forward, neutral, greater dyanamic compared to the WA2. The WA2 produce a fuller, warmer, and smoother sound. For low impedance headphones, the WA6SE is more flexible."

"Both WA2 and WA6-SE are excellent choice for the HD650's. My personal favorite for this phone is the WA2 as it speaks for the true characters of the phone. This combo sounded full, open, smooth, fluid. It adds a slight warm touch to the music but not over."

如果要攻Woo家的頂,就WA5LE 再 Maxed 再 Mod....(headfi裡有幾位都是WA3,WA2>WA6SE,WA22>WA5LE一路買上去的)
文章: 0
註冊時間: 週四 10月 12, 2006 3:27 pm

Re: 請有hd800的朋友進來看下

文章玄霄‧永劫 發表於 週六 9月 11, 2010 3:16 pm

maxguy 寫:小弟有幸分別聽過這兩台也接過 PSK & HD800, 雖然比較不是在同樣的環境下, 不過基本上聽感跟 Woo 所說的大致相同.

高組抗耳機如 HD650 HD800,我會比較建議 WA2, 音場很大, 聲音鮮活, 音樂性也較好, 有當前級的附加功能.
反之低組抗耳機來講 WA6se 對低組耳機推的非常棒, WA6se 聲音線條較清晰, 音響性比較好, 但音場聽起來會比較靠近一點, 此外它有高底組抗兩個輸出, 高組耳機也有不錯的水準, 推耳機的泛用性較高.


cyberevo 寫:根據小弟在Headfi上面爬文幾個月的結果,不少人會詢問WA2跟WA6SE的差異,因為兩者價錢差不多,結論是,單以耳機使用,多數人建議WA6SE(WA2除了耳擴,也是前級)

以下是Jack Woo個人對新買家詢問的回應,也可以參考看看:

"In terms of functionalities, the WA6SE is a dedicated headphone amp while the WA2 is a headphone and pre-amp and 4 inputs. Since they have different design, sound signature is different. 6SE sounded more forward, neutral, greater dyanamic compared to the WA2. The WA2 produce a fuller, warmer, and smoother sound. For low impedance headphones, the WA6SE is more flexible."

"Both WA2 and WA6-SE are excellent choice for the HD650's. My personal favorite for this phone is the WA2 as it speaks for the true characters of the phone. This combo sounded full, open, smooth, fluid. It adds a slight warm touch to the music but not over."

如果要攻Woo家的頂,就WA5LE 再 Maxed 再 Mod....(headfi裡有幾位都是WA3,WA2>WA6SE,WA22>WA5LE一路買上去的)


謝謝 :)
文章: 446
註冊時間: 週三 7月 23, 2008 12:44 am
來自: 高解析音質的音響世界


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